Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Okay, the janitor did it.

When they are telling us what they are doing, you think we should listen????

 From 90 Miles

Secret Service

 Secret Service Threatens Trump: Stop Your Massive Rallies, Or Else

I read the article and I did not see anything about an "or else". Unless I missed it, which is possible. If you see that please let me know.

From the SS side of things I can completely understand why they don't like these large outdoor events. Look at what happened on July 13. THAT showed how incompetent these people really are.

Or. It showed they are in on the plan to off the Donald. Which I know would be complicated because of how many different people and agencies are involved.

What a mongolian fuster cluck this year is turning out to be.

As always, keep your powder dry, your food stores up, and your head on a swivel.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

When you really really really gotta cut sumthin right now...

Cars are effing stupid

 When I went to Michigan in June, we rented a mini van. We got a Chrysler Pacifica. We need to  move forward slightly to open the rear gate to load some luggage. I got in, left the driver door open, started the vehicle and put it in drive, but it would NOT move forward. The damn thing apparently applied the brake to the front wheel. Until I closed the door the damn thing would NOT go. Now that is just plain stupid.

Whats Today? Memes


Looks like yesterdays beatdown by congresscritters forced her hand

 Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle resigns

Yawn. Who cares. Is this really accountability, I don't think so Tim. Ole Joe probly wrote her a pardon letter already.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fridays Outage

Aw S**t!!

Nobody Asked Me has a good post up about the outrage yesterday. Or outage, as you see fit.

This whole thing has me curious.

1. Was this an accident as they claim? One little bit of code on an update screwed up the whole world? Really? An accident? Really? 

2.And this was just a few days after the Trump assassination fiasco. Some mistiming perhaps?

3. Apparently some credit cards and debit cards and banks and atms were affected. Did you have some cash on you yesterday to make up for it? If this lasted for more than a day and affected food delivery to the stores did you have enough on hand to make it a few days?

4. Was this intentional? Was this the day they tried to take down the system and they screwed up and it didn't work the way they thought it would?

5. Was this a test? To see what they could get away with? To see what we would put up with? Are they training us to follow their indoctrination?

6. Maybe they don't know everything that runs on the net and wanted to see if they could find out everything on the net.

Join the Elite Sloped Roof Division: Secret Service Recruitment Video

Friday, July 19, 2024

seem to have occurred after a “faulty update” from cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike

 Widespread “IT Outages” Reported Across the Globe – Major US Airlines Ground All Flights – 911, Emergency Systems Affected

You wanna spread chaos around the US? This is the way to do it. 

Take away IT and the whole country falls apart.

As my daughter said, charge all of your electronics right now. Just in case.

Funny though. Wonder what this would be if the assassination attempt had succeeded.

My 2 grandsons flew LAST week thank goodness. My granddaughters husband is flying tomorrow, coming home from deployment overseas. Hope this mess is fixed by then.

Biden Presents as Old


Oh for the luv of WTF???

 Team JD Vance Begin Announcing Policy Proposals, Starting with Elon Inspired Carbon Taxes

I didn't know what to think about vance, because I knew zero about the guy.

But if this proposal is who vance is, I don't like him.

I mean jesus h christ, this is a tutorial in how to lose your base in 3,2,1...

Do these people REALLY think about 4 or 5 million of us won't sit this one out if they REALLY intend to float this tax bullcrap?