Saturday, November 9, 2024

But Nobody Has Been Thrown in Jail Yet????

 FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs

This female who was head bitch in charge of this operation has not been fired, has not been jailed, and according to the article she is apparently now in charge of this operation in a different county.

It is being "investigated".

For fucks sake.

With all the debris strewn all over florida, she could easily be dropped into a dump truck and disappeared.

Easy peasy.

And what about the people who "obeyed" her orders? What happens to them?


  1. Before the official is arrested, they need to be placed in the worst affected area with a sign telling who they are, and the citizens given ax handles to show their displeasure.

  2. There's a reason why nobody goes to jail for these actions. Both sides of the spectrum have an "agreement". When the right is in power they don't put leftists in prison because when the left is in power they may retaliate and put rightists in prison. And vice versa. It's a "gentleman's agreement" to turn a blind eye to such actions. If one side reneges then when the other side regains power they will reciprocate. Both sides would feel they lose. So instead "we the people" lose.

  3. I heard on this morning's news the DEI hire babe got sacked.

  4. Kudos to the Trump supporters whose signs and flags SURVIVED THE HURRICANE!!! As for FEMA, tar and feathers is NOT enough!!! ...Short rope, tall tree...
