Friday, January 17, 2025

CA Burning: One of World's Largest Lithium Ion Battery Storage Plants Bursts Into Flames

 110,000 Lithium Ion Batteries in Flames

I don't think this was caused by climate change. 

This amount of batteries is apparently meant to help PG&E keep the lights on when they need help.

This must be a pretty big place to hold that many batteries, and they are expanding also.

Wonder what plans to fight a fire in the building looked like? Must not have had any.


  1. But they were't allowed to build a desalinization plant there. Bird sanctuary or something.

  2. From the MSN article today a SNIP: North County Fire Protection District Chief Joel Mendoza said at the press conference that every battery rack inside the facility has a "fire suppression system," but it wasn't enough.

    "In other incidents that we've had, that system has worked perfectly," Mendoza said. "In this particular case, that system was not sufficient. It was overridden and that led to fire overtaking the system and eventually overtaking the entire building."

    I wonder how long before THAT Statement is memory holed.

    Fire suppression system was SUPPRESSED....

    Can you spell sabotage?

  3. I saw an article that said there are two Chinese nationals who were in the vicinity of this and several other disasters. Might be time to have a visit with them

  4. Could have been an accident....could have been sabotage. The Feds sure as hell won't tell is if it was sabotage. And there's no extinguishing a fire like this. It has to simply burn itself out.

  5. California has successfully exceeded the carbon footprint and pollution output of China.

  6. The firefighters are letting it burn. They can't put it out any more than they can put out a Tesla that's on fire. "Edison" is building "power storage facilities" all over the state. I saw a pair of semi's hauling storage batteries, one per truck. I got to talking to them on the CB. Yeah, I still have a CB in my car... I figured they were taking the batteries to yet another site in California. No. They were taking them to ARIZONA. They told me that these power storage projects are ongoing all over the country! So... get ready for non-extinguishable fires in a neighborhood near you...
