Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Thought for Today

 President Trump is set to make deleting your diesel legal, and deleting your weiner illegal.

What a time to be an American.

What is a Deleted Diesel Truck?

A nurse walked into the bank I was at today. She was exhausted after an 18 hour shift. She pulled a rectal thermometer out of her pocket and tried to write a check with it.  She looked at the cashier and sighed and said, Well that's just great. Some asshole has my pen.

Her: Hey who is this contact in your phone named jumper cables? 

Me: That's you

Her: Why in the hell is my name jumper cables?

Me: Because you're always starting something!


  1. A doctor told me this: How do you tell the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer?...............By the smell.
