Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Maybe We Learn the Winner Tonight---UPDATE

Update: 9pm in calif. and fox news says biden 223, President Trump 204. They have a map showing states leaning to each candidate. If President Trump wins the states leaning his way, it is 301? to 239?

 At the moment it's biden 129, President Trump 109. Hope the pres. keeps going up.

The wife and I voted yesterday. I wanted to wait and vote today, but her health issues prevent her from standing for long periods, so we decided to do the deed yesterday.

Here in Madera we voted at Liberty Ranchos High School Theatre.

I voted a paper ballot, but with my shaky hands it became difficult to fill in the little circles. I wanted to ask my wife to fill them in for me, but decided they might not like that.

When we got there, about 10 people were coming out of the building, and upon entry we found ourselves to be the only voters there. Then others showed up. We had to turn in the mail in ballot they sent us, so we couldn't vote twice. They wrote spoiled on my wifes ballot, but they didn't write anything on mine.

Then we both got a fancy little i voted sticker. I asked the lady if i could have 10 of them to show i voted 10 times, but she didn't find that as humorous as i did.

Hopefully tomorrow morning we wake up with President Trump. If any of you folks out there are into praying, now would be a great time to do so.

Good evening.

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