Friday, May 24, 2024

The illegal seems more concerned about the lack of security at the border than many of our elected officials.

 Illegal Immigrant From Turkey Shocks Reporter Describing How Easy it Was to Cross the Border

 Unfortunately this is par for the course in the good ole former usofa.

And the guy is right. TPTB don't give 2 shits about our country anymore. Why that is, I don't know.

Did you hear about the chechen guy from chicago who was in carolina and got shot dead in front of a US Spec Ops soldiers home?Chechen Man Shot Dead Outside Home of US Spec Ops Command Member: FBI, Army Investigating

What was this chechen guy, from chicago, doing there? I doubt we will ever know.

Anyway, if you have the means, stock up on your beans bullits and bandaids.

1 comment:

  1. enemy agents have good intel. I bet all those higher-higher have tight assholes today. Not targeted at work, but at home. Scary.
