Monday, September 16, 2024

Missing Blog

 Well shit, I don't know what to think.

The blog It Ain't Holy Water apparently has been removed.

First Weasel Zippers is gone and now this.


  1. I just saw that also. Reckon the Chief must be "over the target".

  2. I looked at the site yesterday and it was up. He had a heart attack about a month or 2 ago, I hope he's OK. I just shot the Chief an email I'll fill you in when or if i get a reply.

  3. Google....doing the lefts bidding.... removed the blog. The swamp is ramping up their censorship machinery.

  4. Fred,

    Just received this message from the chief

    "My blog was deleted by Google for so called "hate speech" and is gone. The end of the road for me my friend. I will just watch the final demolition of America from the sidelines I guess".

    The Chief Nose Wetter
