Monday, September 30, 2024

Well, Son Of A *****

 Ding Dong Dammit.

I was hoping to skate by on this drivers license renewal bullshit. But because I am over 70 years old, I gotta bow to their bullshit.

Apply online. Check.

I could do either a written test or an elearning course which is a guaranteed PASS/No Fail allowed. So I did the elearning.

Easy Peasy Japanesy.

Then I paid $45 for it, online.

So I got an appointment to go in, cause I was supposed to take a vision test and get my photo taken.

Well, my left eye is fuquayed all to hell. I have macular degeneration in that eye. Vision level is 20/400, which is no bueno. My right eye is 20/20 with lenses, and both eyes together is 20/20 with lenses.

So I downloaded a vision examination form from their website, and had my eye doctor fill it out. Cost $25.

Gave it to the guy and he said I gotta go see if they will take this. So off he goes. Then he takes my photo. Then he says I gotta come back and take a Goddamn Driving Test!

Cocksuckin sonofabitch!! So now I got an appointment on the fifteenth to take this bullshit driving test.

Crap a nitley.

1 comment:

  1. After a few years ov being over 70, you will become accustomed to being treated like a child again.
