Friday, October 4, 2024

Government is the Problem

 The Hurricane Helene Hall of Shame

Shoutout to blogger Eaton Rapids Joe for turning me on to the blog Captains Journal. I am certain I must have read this blog before, but for now it is new to me. Go check it out.

Click on that link above, read and view some of the tweets. Watch the one where the lady is trying to remove her stuff and the idiot cop threatens her with arrest.

For the luv of pete, if she has proof of ownership leave her the hell alone.

Joe Biden says big gov has given all they have. When asked if there were other federal resources available he simply said, "NO."

And this is the guy you democrat assholes installed as prez. Shame on you.

1 comment:

  1. The worst thing any government agency can do is to restrict access. They did it after Rita, and it only made things worse. I have a friend that told a state trooper at a checkpoint he would have to shoot him to keep him from going home to his own property shown on his driver license. They left him alone, and he stopped further damage by taking care of problems faster than the government "authorities" decided was the correct time.
