Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Have you heard about this?
Biden's Plan to Derail Trump Hits Hard Stop as Judge Steps In
Slo Joe is pulling a clinton and screwing with the transition of power. He is trying to sell off the border wall construction materials for five bucks a pop before President Trump takes office.
Screw him.
Friday, December 27, 2024
Well, Now I Feel Like I Should Wear A Duncecap and Sit in the Corner
I'm sittin here looking at stuff and this pic pops up. I see the little yellow thing that says brake pad. Then I think to myself, why are they putting a brake pad inside a distributor with points?
Took me almost 30 seconds before I realized what I was looking at.
I'm gettin old.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
They Are NOT Going To Like This!!🤣🤣🇺🇸
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas to All Ya'll!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Here are some Christmas songs for you!
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Good Morning!!!
Have any of you guys heard of Henry, the Brown Nose reindeer?
He was just as fast as Rudolph, he just couldn't stop as fast.
Monday, December 23, 2024
I realized my mistake as soon as I pulled out of the driveway.
Holy smokes I had my head up my rear today.
I wanted some paper plates, a specific kind that my wife liked. I have some paper plates but I don't care for them.
So off I go to target, and son. of. a. bitch. I had completely forgot about traffic at Christmas.
And I'm here to tell ya, from what I saw ain't nobody gettin left out this year. The retailers look to me to be making great sales. At least for the approximate 2 hours I was out and about.
The damn parking lot was just that, cause wasn't nobody hardly moving.
Geez louise, I haven't been in traffic like this in years.
On the way home on hiway 41north I saw the friant avenue exit for 41 south was backed up with cars for about 2 miles.
Wow. I have never seen it(saw it?) like that.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Remember to check your gauges.
Didn't Anyone See This Sick Fuck Doing This?
Well holy crap. That just about puts the smell into shit, doesn't it?
In our society we NEED to be able to trust our food supply!
I mean, how many of you, us, or them grow our own food supply?
So when sick fucks like this do something to endanger my family's food, it just really pisses me off.
But what to do about it? Don't know.
Remember the tylenol murders in 1982?
How the Tylenol murders of 1982 changed the way we consume medication
If those 20 million muslim terrorists the democrat assholes willingly let into our country decide to do something like this, we are definitely and truly fucked.
The Hawk Tuah Girl is Getting Sued??
I didn't know this gal was still around.
I mean, her 15 minutes of fame should have been done 14 minutes ago.
But now, apparently some kind of "memecoin"? called $HAWK has gotten some people to invest in it and lose about $400 million dollars?
Who in the idiotic hell would invest in something like that?
Friday, December 20, 2024
Things are starting to get sporty in the house
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Insane Wrench Design From 1919 [Remake]
This Particular Continuing Resolution Has Apparently Been Foiled----Curses!!!
I don't know what was, or wasn't, in this current version of the continuing resolution. Don't know, do care.
40% pay hike? I could live like that. That would be about a thousand bucks a month extra for me. I could CERTAINLY live with that. Maybe even another year or so.
Now WHY in the absolute freakin heck would ANYTHING about AI images be in this continuing resolution?
Anyone? Bueller??
And I am not sure I understand the message. I would get jailed for two years if I posted AI memes???
Or I would only get jailed if I posted AI memes for two years?
Kind of confusing. Makes it hard to make a decision about posting if I don't know for certain what the consequences will be.
If I get jailed for two years for posting an AI meme I will definitely think more than once about posting that meme.
But if I only get jailed for an undetermined amount of time after posting for two years, I would probably go for it.
See the dilemma?
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
One Liners to Start Your Day
You're so stupid if you fell in a barrel full of titties you'd come out sucking your thumb.
You're about as sharp as a mashed potato.
If brains were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose.
You are one fry short of a happy meal.
Dang you got the iq of a fence post.
You couldn't find your way out of a wet paper bag with a flashlight and a map.
You're so slow it takes you two hours to watch 60 minutes.
Baby your elevator don't go all the way to the top.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Egg Prices
Last week I paid $5.09 for a dozen AA eggs. The last time I bought eggs before that, about 3 or 4 months ago, I paid about $3.75.
I don't eat a lot of eggs.
I have grown fond of cutting up one large potato and boiling it. Then I cover that with a can of hormel chili with beans. Eat with saltine crackers.
Good stuff Maynard.
As you can see, unlike ExTexan, I can't do very much with food.
I have to scrape and then soak the bottom of the pot after heating a can of chili.
I do watch youtube videos of people cooking up some very delicious looking recipes, and I think to myself, I can do that.
Then I wake up to reality.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Friday, December 13, 2024
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Did You Know These Stupid Cocksuckers Are Already Holding Hearings on Mass Deportation?
Lalalalalala I Can't Hear You!
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Grilled About USPS Failures, Covers His Ears (Video)
According to the article this guy is the second highest paid federal employee at $340+K a year.
Who's the first, focchi???
Watch the video, the guy actually covers his ears.
Childish? or Contemptuous?
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
FBI Director Christopher Wray to Resign Because He Doesn’t Want to Get Fired by Trump
What's the deal with dem's saying President Trump can't fire wray?
He can fire anyone he damn well pleases.
And whoever the new director is, let us hope he goes in cleans house, and then cleans it some more.
The new attorney general should pursue charges against every fbi agent who participated in lawfare.
Bring these efffer's to their knees.
Monday, December 9, 2024
Piss on black vigilantes
Some guy named Daniel Penny got acquitted today for allegedly killing some guy on a subway.
The guy was threatening to shoot and kill people. Penny took it upon himself to stop this maniac.
And now the usual black cocksuckers are up in arms about the acquittal of this guy. And threatening black violence once again upon white people.
When will black people take responsibility for the stupidity of their actions?
Never is my guess. They are too busy making a living off being oppressed.
Federal Office of Triangle Counting
I seriously doubt that this is a real thing, but it sure sounds like something dot gov would get up to, doesn't it?
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Still Here
I have been laying on a heating pad for most of the week. My lower spine has been killing me.
I am able to move somewhat at the moment.
Posting will resume shortly, I hope.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Landman | Tommy Explains Why Even Wind Turbines Depend on the Oil Indust...
Monday, December 2, 2024
Crankshaft Position Sensor Test
Sunday, December 1, 2024
I had this idea that I could rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it up on corn for a couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it. The first st...