Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Looks Like President Trump is Playing for Keeps

 President Trump Goes Scorched Earth, Fires All “Biden Era” US Attorneys

President Trump is doing the things he campaigned on. I am glad of that.

We just have to be prepared for the next dem asshole prez to do this same thing.


  1. We just have to be prepared for the next dem asshole prez to do this same thing.
    The way things are going, it's going to be a Long time before anyone who wants it like it's been can win. There aren't more idiots than reasonable people in America and the ratio looks to be changing in our favor.

  2. Clinton did the same thing in 1993. The US Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President. Now let's see if the liberal media's collective heads explode.

  3. Every new President does that. Common practise. George W waited 6 months to do it and the left had a fit trying to pretent that is wasn't normal practise to fire them and bring in their own people.
