Wednesday, February 12, 2025

High Level People Trying to Have Other High Level People Killed

Whistleblower says pennsylvania governor orchestrated the july assassination attempt of Pres. Trump 

Go on over to 90 Miles and read this.

Holy crap. If this can be proven I have no doubt President Trump will have these people arrested.


  1. that's the "shot" that got him S-elected - all staged - by team trump. Brilliant psy op. A "story" so absurd and unrealistic that only an idiot can believe it true - no shortage of those folks in merika it seems

  2. So says the sorry loser after they missed.

  3. what kind of retard believes that the guy who was already way ahead would have some loser take a shot at his head?

  4. It was fake; staged. There was no shot to his head. no "missed". Takes a special kind of dim to not get fake means no shot at Trump; fake blood, ya know, like on teevee.
