Thursday, February 6, 2025

Simply Horrible


PADUCAH - Chaos erupted at a local McDonald’s yesterday when a customer attempted to pay for their meal using real, physical cash. Employees were seen exchanging confused glances, staring at the unfamiliar paper as if it had just fallen from another dimension.
“He just handed me a five-dollar bill,” said cashier Lindsey Parker. “No card, no phone, no app—just raw, unprocessed money. I had no idea what to do!”
Witnesses say the situation escalated when the customer attempted to pay the exact amount, coins included. “That’s when I knew something was wrong,” said Parker. “I mean, who even carries quarters anymore?”
After several tense moments, a supervisor was called in to manually process the cash payment. The customer left with his meal, vowing to “blow their minds” next time with a personal check.
This is a developing story.
The Paducah Insider is a news satire and parody publication. All content contained within this page, however similar to real events, is fictitious. Any real, semi-real or similar names, places, people, products, services and locales are used purely for satirical purposes, and the corresponding story details are purely fictional. Thank you!


  1. Not so much satire. Some years ago at a McD's the computers were down and the munchkin at the cash register could not figure out my change. I told her what it was and she in a panic asked if I was sure. I almost told her that I had taken math and but settled for yes, I'm sure.

  2. This happened for real recently at a Walmart when a guy tried to use cash including a $2 bill to pay for his purchase. The clerks claimed it was counterfeit.
