Sunday, August 16, 2020




  1. I watched it when Phil posted. These types of videos you have to watch it and corral it before the evil ones shit hole it. I knew after watching it and that she was arrested before it was released I knew it wouldn't last. Nice thing, the signal always gets through! I wanted to ask you Fred, what is the best portable water filtration device to have that is somewhat portable and most important, efficient? Water might be at a premium and difficult to find potable water.

    1. I haven't had to use one yet, but i have several portable filtration devices. I have the sawyer mini, the lifestraw, and i purchased epic water filtration bottle. I have one each of these in my truck and my wifes car. For the bottle I purchased replacement filters also. As I said I haven't used these, but i believe these will work well and be quite portable.

    2. I forgot the Berkey filters. They have what they call a Travel Berkey, which is a stainless steel can, one sits on top of the other, you put 2 of their filters into it. The box it came in is about 8x8x10 inches or so. That is semi portable. I think it holds about 1.5 gallon.
