Saturday, November 4, 2023

Daylight Saving Time Sucks Giant Cockroach Testicles

The Reason Why Daylight Saving Time Is a Thing 

I have never understood what the deal with daylight saving time is.

Some people say it's so you have more daylight to do what you want.

Bullshit. The sun shines however much it shines and that's it.

Why don't they pass a law that says everybody has to get out of bed and go to work 1/2 hour before the sun rises. Makes as much sense to do that as DST.

What's that old saying? Cut 6 inches off the top of a blanket and sew it back on the bottom and you will have a longer blanket. Typical democrat speak that is you betcha.


  1. Another product of the horrible Progressive Era of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Just like the income tax, Federal Reserve, alcohol prohibition, direct election of US senators, etc.

  2. No matter how you manipulate the clocks sun light only lasts a certain time in the summer and even less in the winter.

    1. Yep - less daylight hours in winter vs. summer.

      "The length of day during the winter solstice is 8 hours, 49 minutes shorter than the summer solstice." I'm not sure where this time difference is measured from.

  3. Because an extra hour of daylight is much more usefull after work than it is before going to work. Especially for those of us that still go to work and need to get things done outside and don't just park our fat asses in front of our phones or computers ---ken

    1. I agree. OK, so the sun comes up earlier. I can't DO anything with that daylight except find my car, get into it, and drive to work. By the time I get home it's dark. NOTHING can be done outside, and the majority of the "house" work IS outside...

  4. Anyone who isn't capable of handling the VERY minimal change to one's daily routine from a one hour change done over a twenty four hour period on a weekend is the epitome of a PUSSY. A weak useless excuse for a human. And god help them if they should actually fly somewhere where they have to cope with say three hours of jet lag...the change would probably kill them.

  5. Roosters and farmers laugh at your silly clocks.

  6. Well don't worry. The senate has passed a bill to make DST a permanent thing. It just has to pass congress and the prez will sign it.
    Nice to know ALL THE OTHER CRAP IN THIS WORLD HAS BEEN FIXED so they can play God with time.

  7. Getting home from work and having almost enough time to change clothes before it's dark isn't good.
    Seeing the sunset is a good thing. But nine o'clock is a little late.
    I don't enjoy the experience of adjusting to the changes. But I think it's worth it. Well, it was when I was punching a clock.
