Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Color Me Surprised

The Hunter Biden Verdict Is In: Guilty on All Counts 

I have been severely out of the loop for a while, and I did not know there was a hunter biden trial going on. Any headlines I saw about it just kind of went in one eye and then out my butt.

So this is kind of surprising. I wouldn't have expected any jury anywhere to convict him of this charge. 

To me, that just doesn't compute.

Wonder if dear ole dad will pardon him.


  1. He ain't going to jail and Joe will pardon him after the results of the election are in.

  2. When Daddy can pardon, it doesn't matter if the "kid" is found guilty or not. He'll NEVER see the inside of a jail cell. Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if, now that Hunter's "distractive entertainment" value is gone, he turns up stiff in a hotel somewhere with a crack pipe hanging out of his mouth...
