Sunday, June 30, 2024

He is Speaking the Truth

 President Trump is not blowing smoke here. None of the worlds leaders have any respect for biden, or america because of biden.

President Trump is correct that putin would not have invaded ukraine if DJT were prez, or in fact, if almost anyone other than biden were prez. 

Biden is shot, he is done, he belongs in a nursing home for the elderly. Jill and the rest of them should be arrested and tried for elder abuse.

I forget that womans name, but look at her face. Just wow.

1 comment:

  1. Bullshit. The arming, training, setting up for this war did not slot down one bit whilst Trump was in charge. Nor did the aggression and attacks on the Russian speaking people in the Eastern regions. Russia was left with no choice thanks to everything done under Trump. Zio puppet Trump is part of the problem and hardly the solution.
