Sunday, June 16, 2024

Oh Yeah. Mandatory. That'll do it.

Military Draft Coming? House Passes Measure To Automatically Register Men For Selective Service 

At the moment we have a volunteer military. Which WAS doing just fine until all this woke bullshit took it over.

I mean, why the fuck would you join to help defend your country when your commander in chief doesn't have your back? The CIC withdraws without giving you help to defend yourself and bring yourself home saafely. The cic is more worried about pronouns than paying you enough money. The cic is more worried about transgender idiots being in a safe space.

When you have to take the clot shot against your wishes? If it could be proven it works, then maybe. 

The article says registering for the draft was always voluntary.

That's bullshit, it was never voluntary. The assholes always threatened anyone who didn't want to comply. It was always your government "benefits" will be withheld. No registration, no scholarship or grant money for you, go fuck yourself. Any thing to do with the federal government was always held over your head. If you don't do this, then we will not help you. Go fuck yourself.


  1. My Son was FORCED to enroll in selective service before the local community college would process his application. Let that sink in. They wouldn't even consider if he was able to attend, until he bent the knee.
    But it's not mandatory.
    Anymore than the shot wasn't mandatory.
    These commies invert language. It's what they do. They changed the definition of "Vaccine" in their published medical jargon, and forced all publishers as well. A Government, of alleged elected representatives, decided for themselves what the meaning of a word in common use in our language for centuries, now means.
    Tyranny people. Tyranny does things like change the meanings of words.

  2. I am not too worried. I do not think the military could survive a draft. That would require a complete change in the culture of the services. Right now the worst punishment is a dishonorable discharge and promotion to civilian. Almost all bases have shut down their stockades decades ago. Tell me just how the military is going to enforce discipline on the new draftees - who likely do not want to be in the military in the first place. Go to war or go to jail is not a thing anymore.
