Monday, June 17, 2024

Well Shit, Looks Like We Are Out of Time

 Kushal Kumar, Often Called The “New Nostradamus” Says WW3 Is Just Days Away

Never heard of this guy, no idea who he is.

But I believe he is probably correct. Wars and rumors of wars.

Our prez dementia joe has no respect in the world. The ones who hate us believe the former u s of a is a rudderless derelict.

So I am guessing they think now is a perfect time to annihilate us.

And why not? How will the former u s of a defend itself?

With pride flags?


  1. With the authorization of draft registration, I look for an initial call up shortly after the first of the year. With a short training cycle look for hostilities to begin in the fall of 2025. Where will depend on which party is elected. Trump, maybe Mexico, Biden's replacement, probably Ukraine. Both will hit the Houtis in Yemen. A supposed quote from a Arabic poem. " He rode forth alone with a Yemeni sword by his side. It had no decoration save the notches on its blade." A stirring ode no doubt, but all to nought when he meets a a Bradley.
    Ole Grump

  2. WWIII has been underway for quite a while now. What's coming next is the big "ramp up".

    1. You are correct. We have been invaded, their plans have been laid, just waiting on orders.

  3. Well I guess I'm gonna have to cancel my July birthday party
