Monday, June 24, 2024

Tough Guy on Social Media Threatens Killing People if Trump Wins

 Man makes violent video about killing people if Trump wins

Everybody has the right to say whatever they want.

This guy should be sure of what he is saying, because I believe there are a lot more of the ex-military types on the conservative side than there are on his side. And there are just a big goddamn bunch of non military types who own a shitton of firearms and are goddamn good with the use of said firearms. And explosives.

And I believe our side is more dedicated and determined than his side. So fuck this guy.

1 comment:

  1. Actually the left has proven repeatedly that they are far better organized and committed to their agenda than conservatives. Not only do leftists talk about violence against conservatives they frequently engage in it. And because they OWN the legal system they often get away with it. If a conservative on a right oriented blog states the obvious...that the ONLY language the left respects is violence,and we need to start speaking to them in that language panties get twisted, butts get hurt and the person stating the obvious gets banned. The conservatives on the right are our own worst enemy.
