Saturday, August 31, 2024

What was the FASTEST 1/4 MILE MUSCLE CAR from 1970??

Remember these cars? These were some of the true muscle cars.
Cars today are simple wimps compared to these. I had a 1969 Buick GS400 and that thing was pretty fast, but not like these. In 73 a friend of mine bought a Chevelle with the 454 and 4 spd transmission. That thing was extremely fast.
What did, or do, you guys drive?

Gas Saver

 Did you hear about Fred? He was watching tv when this advertisement comes on talking about a gas saving device.  Guaranteed to reduce fuel consumption by 10%.

So he grabs his credit card and orders.

A few days later his friend stops by to see what's going on.

Fred says I'll never have to buy gas again!

I bought 11 of those gas saving devices and now my gas tank is overflowing!

Early Saturday Afternoon Memes


Ho Lee Shit. Did you hear about this?

 Click on the red link below to read the story.

Wells Fargo Employee Found Dead in Her Cubicle 4 Days After She Clocked in for Work

"We are committed to the safety and wellness of our workforce and are reviewing our own internal procedures after this event," the company concluded. "Counselors are available to support any employees impacted by this event."

Why would anyone need counselors? They didn't check on her for 4 days. I mean jesus h christ.

They said there was a foul odor. Faulty plumbing my ass.

I never wanted to work for a large company, I always worked for small companies. At most the companies I worked for had maybe 7 people including the owner.

Did this lady not have family? I am in contact with my family daily, maybe hers was different.

This just seems so unreal to me.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

This Lady is Dumber Than a Box of Snails


It's just a little piece of paper

 Click on the red link below to visit the story:

Top Kamala Surrogate Denigrates Bill of Rights, Calls Transformational Document ‘A Little Piece of Paper’

We no longer need to guess what the asshole democrats think, because they tell us every day.

In this case, the beeotch says the bill of rights is "just a little piece of paper." As if it means nothing.

And to her and to them it does NOT mean anything.

Why has our country come to this place, this state of affairs? Communism? Apathy? The educational control system?

Probably all of the above.

And if we don't start removing these sunzabitches it's just gonna get worse.

Various Rants and Raves

 Good afternoon. Not much going on here.

Drove to town to mail a couple of bills. I don't do autopay on the internet, don't trust it. Been mailing bills for decades and never had a problem. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

After stopping at the post office, I drove around trying to find a grocery store called Vallarta. Apparently they have a deli and I was gonna get some tacos. But the store that I thought was vallarta wasn't. Never did find it. Wound up going to burger king. And king it wasn't, but it was edible.

Right next door to that is dollar general market. So I decided to go in for a couple things. I was surprised, they usually don't have any grocery carts, cause the neighbors in the hood steal them. But today they were overflowing with carts.

What they didn't have was enough people working. I got in the checkout line, had about 20 people in line. Looked over at the selfcheckouts and they were all closed. The clerk was checking a lady out and I heard her say they had no bags. Well crap, I don't have any either, so I put my eggs back and left.

Did I tell you the price of eggs? $5.25 dozen for AA. I may do without eggs for a while. Or buy some from my neighbor.

And while I am ranting, did I tell you about batteries? My old truck was having an issue where when you turn the key to start it would click just like a dead battery. But when you go to restart it would start just fine.

Then my prndl display started acting up. I would place the truck in park and turn it off and go to get back in later, but it would not start. Wouldn't click wouldn't do anything. I looked at the prndl display and it was in R. Shifted to neutral and back to park and starts just fine. And one day the prndl display was just going crazy. By itself it would go p then r then n then d then l and return to the top and then it would stop. But where would it stop? I could have made casino bets on that. The internet says that could be caused by low voltage. That's what I'm going with.

Then the blower motor would stop, then start, then stop. I was going crazy trying to figure out the problem.

Every time I checked the battery and charging system it checked out as okay. Then one night the battery died, I replaced it and all those problems have gone away.

My daughter owns a ford escape and her battery died. Ever change the battery on one of those? Here is a video for that:

Monday, August 26, 2024

Afternoon Memes


Eggs are almost 5 bucks a dozen here.

I like it.

 I can't carry a weapon. I get emotional real quick and it just wouldn't do to tell the judge oh i just got pissed cause they took the last box of cheerios.

Ak 47 Fans 

Shopping in texas be like
May be an image of 1 person
All reactions:
Most relevant

Fred Wilard
If I felt I had to wear a gun everyday I lived and carried everywhere I went just to feel safe or protected. I would equate this to a life sentence not freedom in my opinion but feardome. Glad I have zero interest in anything in the USA.
Bob Wygovsky
Same as having a police force except you do not have to wait for them to arrive.
Michael Dean Harry
Fred Wilard man, I'm glad you don't too
Mark Delucci
Fred Wilard we’re glad too.
Tks for not being here .
Robert Romano
Fred Wilard That’s fine with us.
Aaron Krechel
Fred Wilard cool story, stay in Canada.
Michael Hickman
Fred Wilard good stay out of here
William Cordell
Fred Wilard she's exercising her right to have and bear arms nothing wrong with that.
Brian Bergeron
Fred Wilard These are the same people who fear beer cans, intelligence and Taylor Swift.
Todd Belshe
Fred Wilard good move! Might I suggest Honduras.
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Steve Ziemer
I’ve seen it at Great America in Illinois.
View all 4 replies
Guy Hastings
I shop that way in Missouri!!
View all 26 replies
Gavin Seweyestewa
I didn't see that in Texas. I sure did meet alot very nice and polite people.
View all 12 replies
Robert Carroll
Say what you will. I’ll bet no one tries to grab her in a parking lot!! Good for her. Self protection starts with the individual. Don’t rely on anyone else to protect you. It’ll be too late.
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Kieffer Bailey
Must be a rough store. I’d shop somewhere else. 😂
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Mace Zachary
Legit. I don't leave my home without my gun. I won't go to select neighborhoods anymore without my gun and armor. Call me crazy or not, but those neighborhoods are a very vivid sign this country is rapidly spiraling downhill far beyond its speed limit.
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William Moser
As it should be. God bless Texas and the USA
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Ron Parizon
Exercise your rights ladies, people act like animals any more. Conceal carry myself.
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Tony Duran Aguilar
Hopefully she has good hand to hand skills as well.
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Tom Boyle
encouraging good manners as a "side" benefit.
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Horace Whitaker
Hopefully coming to Florida sometime soon
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Edward Pearlman
*Actually in the overwhelming majority of states including a lot of blue states.*
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Lowell Godfrey
Michigan too.
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Karl Erickson
People are so polite in Texas, it’s amazing how much they respect each other.
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Bruce Camp
Thats how I shop and I live in Tennessee!
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Robotov Consolidated
Depends on where in texas, rural texas I see open carry sometimes, very rare to see open carry near or in a city
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Darryl Rutherford
Safest store in the area
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ᛃᛖᚨᚾ ᚷᛁᛒᛖᛚᛊ
better to be safe than to be sorry
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Johnny Procidano
Open carry makes you a target where as conceal carry gives you the element of surprise
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John Kosic
I shop that way in PA......
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Judy MacKenzie
So sorry that the USA citizens feel the need to carry firearms for protection/ security, truly the beginning of the end of a great nation.
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Patrick LeDoux
I shop like that in Houston, except you don’t know I’ve got my EDC on me.
Tommy Saulter
Makes me feel safe
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Victor Wheeler
Folks should also carry a good knife ,they can solve a lot of problems .
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Doug Lambert
it should be the same everywhere!!!!
View all 8 replies
Bill Martin
Hammer down on a single action,..tisk tisk
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Derek Dante
Only comment I have is, that 1911 should be carried in condition one(cocked and locked).
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Steven Lapp Thompson
In Tennessee too
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Danny Tanimoto
We had it Oklahoma before Texas and very seldom have I seen anyone open carry like that. Me thinks most of us prefer to keep it under wraps and leave the thugs guessing!
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