Saturday, August 24, 2024

The 50/200 yard zero

 50/200 Yard Zero Simplified for 5.56 and .308 Rifles

My knowledge of this type of thing is almost zero.

Plus, my hands shake so bad I am unable to hold a rifle on target for longer than 0.25 seconds. (You should see me hold a cup of coffee.)And that isn't enough time at all.

So if the s ever hits the f and I gotta reach out and touch somebody, I am probably gonna either be the rear guard or front line fodder.

Or maybe molotov central. Gotta figure out some big rubber bands to launch with.


  1. Check amazon for water balloon throwers. Some are 3 person needed strength.

  2. I have some steel targets hung up in the woods next to the old pasture... 25 - 85 yds, depending where you're standing. I have an Eotech, and do rather well, even on the 6" stuff at the end of the range. They're worth the cake, even w/ my astigmatism.

  3. Try this rifle hold - It works for me.

    Instead of using offhand to support the fore end, bend your elbow and support the rifle in the fold. Grasp the strong hand's wrist and gently pull to cause tension. Pull back with shooting hand slightly.Helps me when shooting off my hind legs.
