Saturday, August 31, 2024

Ho Lee Shit. Did you hear about this?

 Click on the red link below to read the story.

Wells Fargo Employee Found Dead in Her Cubicle 4 Days After She Clocked in for Work

"We are committed to the safety and wellness of our workforce and are reviewing our own internal procedures after this event," the company concluded. "Counselors are available to support any employees impacted by this event."

Why would anyone need counselors? They didn't check on her for 4 days. I mean jesus h christ.

They said there was a foul odor. Faulty plumbing my ass.

I never wanted to work for a large company, I always worked for small companies. At most the companies I worked for had maybe 7 people including the owner.

Did this lady not have family? I am in contact with my family daily, maybe hers was different.

This just seems so unreal to me.


  1. the company is going to owe here one hell of a lot overtime

  2. Well, I wouldn't be using that cleaning company any longer. Obviously they weren't doing all the cube's.

  3. Apparently, it is almost impossible to discern the different between those employees who are alive and those who are dead.
    I bet there was zero change in the company's overall performance.
