Friday, August 9, 2024

Tampon Tim

 Hillary Clinton Defends “Tampon Tim”

This idiot signed a law into place mandating tampons in boys bathrooms. I guess that's so they can help out their poor sisters at home.

Do these idiots really want a guy for VP who has the nickname tampon tim?

Tim Walz appears to be as much of an idiot as cameltoe.

But it appears to me that these two jabberwocks will be crowned in nov. 

God help us all.


  1. First off, I don't vote for communists, got it? Okay, now, the guy in question did something for girls and women that no other elected official, and they all live off the government dime, ever did. He offered some relief to females who thru no fault of their own were "blessed" with such a monthly "gift". Stupid to put in "boys" restrooms? Oh fuck yeah, but he blanketed the "system" so it was "equitable", whatever the hell that means. The main point is that females got some relief.
    Thus endeth the lesson

  2. tampon tim did the tampons in the boys rooms at the input from his transvestite advisor.
