Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Various Rants and Raves

 Good afternoon. Not much going on here.

Drove to town to mail a couple of bills. I don't do autopay on the internet, don't trust it. Been mailing bills for decades and never had a problem. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

After stopping at the post office, I drove around trying to find a grocery store called Vallarta. Apparently they have a deli and I was gonna get some tacos. But the store that I thought was vallarta wasn't. Never did find it. Wound up going to burger king. And king it wasn't, but it was edible.

Right next door to that is dollar general market. So I decided to go in for a couple things. I was surprised, they usually don't have any grocery carts, cause the neighbors in the hood steal them. But today they were overflowing with carts.

What they didn't have was enough people working. I got in the checkout line, had about 20 people in line. Looked over at the selfcheckouts and they were all closed. The clerk was checking a lady out and I heard her say they had no bags. Well crap, I don't have any either, so I put my eggs back and left.

Did I tell you the price of eggs? $5.25 dozen for AA. I may do without eggs for a while. Or buy some from my neighbor.

And while I am ranting, did I tell you about batteries? My old truck was having an issue where when you turn the key to start it would click just like a dead battery. But when you go to restart it would start just fine.

Then my prndl display started acting up. I would place the truck in park and turn it off and go to get back in later, but it would not start. Wouldn't click wouldn't do anything. I looked at the prndl display and it was in R. Shifted to neutral and back to park and starts just fine. And one day the prndl display was just going crazy. By itself it would go p then r then n then d then l and return to the top and then it would stop. But where would it stop? I could have made casino bets on that. The internet says that could be caused by low voltage. That's what I'm going with.

Then the blower motor would stop, then start, then stop. I was going crazy trying to figure out the problem.

Every time I checked the battery and charging system it checked out as okay. Then one night the battery died, I replaced it and all those problems have gone away.

My daughter owns a ford escape and her battery died. Ever change the battery on one of those? Here is a video for that:


  1. Back in 1987, fiancee had a Chevy Cavalier that the plastic wheel well had to be pulled to get to the oil filter. I just thought that was bad compared to this stupidity,

    1. Was that the one you had to pull the motor to change the sparkplugs??

  2. Look up where the battery is on a Sebring.

  3. I have a 2016 escape. I was able to wrestle the battery out and the new one back in without dismantling the hood.

  4. Ford intentionally effs up this badly to keep their repair shops profitable.
