Thursday, August 22, 2024

This is how you do it by golly.

 We built a wall. If you come to Poland you will be killed.

By golly that is exactly what WE should be doing!!!

No more of this bullcrap joe and the czar hoe are doing, letting immoral mass migration of armies and terrorists into our nation.

I say have all gunowners go to the border, north and south, and start snipe hunting.

Fuck illegal immigrants. And rinos and demorats too.


  1. Lots of reasons to do it that way.
    No reason not to.

  2. The Dems would never go for this... Dead people can't vote... Wait a minute... I take that back...

  3. Every American should contribute one bullet and a gun owner should contribute 2 bullets. That get us about 8/10 million bullets. I'm sure we could start reducing numbers coming in. But awards for a human coyote taken out. Maybe Vlad style mount the heads on the poles along the border.
