Wednesday, March 5, 2025

You Just Gotta LOVE This Guy!!!


Supreme Court Orders Trump Administration to IMMEDIATELY Unfreeze Foreign Aid Payments

 Supreme Court Orders Trump Administration to IMMEDIATELY Unfreeze Foreign Aid Payments

Doesn't our constitution say our federal government has three CO-EQUAL  branches of federal government?

So, when the scotus orders the president to do something, why can't he just ignore that? After all, they both are equal to the other.

Remember when g w bush said I will abide by the wishes of the court? Or something to that effect.

Co-equal means they are on the same level. So that means scotus CANNOT force the executive branch to do squat.

Can they?

He Speaks True Words


WW3 Headin Our Way???

 For at least two decades now I have been predicting, and expecting, this country to devolve into allout civil war.

Lots of other people have also. Hell, there has even been a movie made about it. Civil War 2024 I think is the name.

But in the era of President Trump I felt my tensions slowly, but surely, ratcheting down. Because here is a man who feels as I do, and he is doing something about it. To make the country better, saner, more akin to what America should be.

And this time he is taking no prisoners. And that is really getting the lefts panties in a twist.

Now I am starting to wonder if the crazy left is actually going to start a war. An insurrection if you will.

Rumors abound that more guns are being purchased by those idiots, and many of them are supposedly getting trained in their use.

Idiots like maxine waters and chuckie schumer and al greenie are foaming at the mouth and egging their paranoid base to use violence.

These idiot fuckers just will not stand down. They know their apple cart is about to collapse and they do not like it. I guess if my gravy train was coming to an end I wouldn't like it either.

Well Holy Shit. I'm Thinkin I Should Have Watched This Speech.

 I mean, I had the popcorn and soda going. This would have been a perfect opportunity. Ole Al Green looks like the head of a mexcan cartel. Just nasty.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Afternoon Memes


Just a warning if you're buying a watch on Amazon. I learned the hard way that if it says you can swim with it, this only applies if you can already swim without it.

If the asswipe who complained would kindly tell me why

 Your post titled "Heitke told lawmakers that the Biden-Harris Regime ordered him to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists arrested at the southern border." has been deleted

This was posted on Jan 5 of 25. Two long months ago. Why wait until now. Why not email me with your concerns.



Mar 2, 2025, 3:51 PM (17 hours ago)
to me


     As you may know, our Community Guidelines 
( describe the boundaries for what we 
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "Heitke told 
lawmakers that the Biden-Harris Regime ordered him to cover up the increase 
in suspected terrorists arrested at the southern border." was flagged to us 
for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and deleted 
the post, previously at

     Why was your blog post deleted?
     Your content has violated our Hate Speech policy. Please visit our 
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Sunday, March 2, 2025

An Oil Change That Went Wrong

 I have had difficulty getting oil filters off before. But I have never stabbed a screwdriver thru one to try and take it off.

A Secretive Movement Known As '#AltGov' Is Openly Rebelling Against Trump

 From Inside Our Federal Agencies

I think everyone knew about this rebellion in the dot gov.

Nobody of that persuasion gives a shit about "Democracy" when they are on the losing side.

A big problem is, I think, the lack of conservatives in the dot gov admin which makes it difficult at best to get your agenda going.

If President Trump succeeds in reducing the size, how many workers do you think will be left?

Rainy Sunday Memes


Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Moment a FEDERAL WORKER Complains That She Had to Work!

The last job I had before I retired. I would have been ecstatic if I had gotten an email from them. I can't remember how many times I had to email the owner of the company to get ANYONE from his head office to recognize I had need of info from them.
Send a scale sample for analysis? 2 months for an answer, if then.
Didn't get paid for my overtime? 2 weeks later I got paid. 
But they sure wanted their spreadsheet of my receipts on time.
Fuck those people. I had waited to retire, but I jammed it into overdrive when that happened.
And fuck these government employees.

Saturday Memes