Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Supreme Court Orders Trump Administration to IMMEDIATELY Unfreeze Foreign Aid Payments

 Supreme Court Orders Trump Administration to IMMEDIATELY Unfreeze Foreign Aid Payments

Doesn't our constitution say our federal government has three CO-EQUAL  branches of federal government?

So, when the scotus orders the president to do something, why can't he just ignore that? After all, they both are equal to the other.

Remember when g w bush said I will abide by the wishes of the court? Or something to that effect.

Co-equal means they are on the same level. So that means scotus CANNOT force the executive branch to do squat.

Can they?


  1. So, does this mean the surpreme's are also on the take?

  2. Biden ignored them

  3. Agreed. And until Trump puts his foot down and tells them to go away it is all sound and fury.

  4. The Donald has some pretty sharp people on his team hopefully they will develop a strategy to deal with the rat b***tds

  5. Investigate Roberts. Someone somewhere has the goods on him. I don't know what's wrong with Barrett but we sure got snookered when she got on the Court.
