Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Drivers drag climate protesters from Brisbane motorway after third day o...

Apparently the bitch sitting on the roadway between the ends of two cars has chained herself to the cars. Now, the first thought I had was what is going to happen if one of those trucks decides to go mad max and just ram those two cars. Will she be quartered or just dismembered? 
My second thought was what happens if one of those pissed off people get in one of those parked cars, gets it started, and then drives off. What happens to that lady? 
I wonder if she thought of that?


  1. Absolute fuckwits, Fred. Such have always existed and are international, they live for their religion for that is what it is. You say “what if?”, well, we won’t know because I’m not behind the wheel.
    If I find myself in such a situation, then much entertainment will ensue.

  2. Just run them the fuck over.

  3. What anonymouse said, run them over and that is what eventually going to happen. people are going to get tired of those 4 hour wait time to get home and go about their lives and kids. A few of them ran over by trucks will look like that German soldier being run over by tanks in the movie Fury... bet they won't do that again.

  4. My solution when these idiots chain themselves or superglue themselves in place is to simply leave them there but use paramedic shears to take all their clothes. I’ll be that little gimmick gets very unpopular with protestor very quickly.
