Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Internet is back up

 I use T Mobile internet, at least for now.

On 26 July I started experiencing tremendous amounts of trouble. Extremely slow loading of anything, if in fact it loaded at all.

I am on my daughters account, so she called them up and they said tower maintenance was being performed. Well, thanks for the notification.

Said it would be back to 100% by midnight 28 July. 

Well, bullshit if it was.

Midnight 28 July came and went and about 6pm on 29 July I got reliable internet. 

But on 31 July it started crapping out again. So my daughter called them again. This time they said the tower has been down since 26 July and they were surprised I had ANY service over the weekend.

And both of my cell phones had no data available either.

And the router was showing 5 bars on the display saying it had excellent connection.

Yesterday morning it came back, and so far, so good.

You don't know what it's like trying to find an excuse to not go do yardwork when the internet is not available to be that excuse for me.

I struggled with that, I tell ya, but I persevered and did not do any yard work.