Saturday, August 12, 2023

Please. Climate Change??? PFFFTT!!! You ain't seen NOTHIN' yet.

Radioactive Fish Discovered Near Fukushima Renews Concerns Over Plans To Dump Nuclear Wastewater Into Ocean 

This. This is why I don't like nuclear power. I don't give a good goddamn what ANYBODY says that this shit is safe. If you say this shit is safe you are an ignoramus.

It's ONLY a few million gallons of highly radioactive waste being let into the pacific ocean. What's the harm???

Remember the movie Godzilla? Maybe we not gonna have something like that happen. Maybe we gonna have a few million square miles of ocean we can no longer fish in.


  1. As they say "the solution to pollution is dilution". The atomic tests of the 40's and 50's introduced MASSIVE amounts of radioactive wastes into the Pacific. And while there were some people who developed cancer from it society didn't come to an end. It's the same with the Fukushima waste water. It will increase the world wide cancer numbers by tiny tiny number. Sucks if you are one of those however. The most dangerous byproduct for humans from nuclear waste is radioactive Cesium. With a half life of just under 30 years it takes over two centuries for 99% of it to decay away.
    The second most dangerous is Plutonium. Which while present in much smaller quantities has a much longer half life. And it takes very very little to kill. The nuclear genie is out of the bottle. There's no going least not without ending modern civilization first.

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