Sunday, May 14, 2023

Secure Border My Sweet Ass.

Migrant Processing Center in El Paso PACKED with Illegal Aliens – Nearly ALL are Military Age Males (VIDEO) 

The army is already here. These are probably elite special forces.

Where are their weapons you ask.

Ask why the irs needs all of the weapons and ammo they have. And all of the other .gov agencies. Maybe these guys are why.

Maybe if we send a few truckloads of bud lite we could even the odds.


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  2. Weapons and ammo are easily obtainable.

  3. Where are their weapons you ask.

    Ask why the irs needs all of the weapons and ammo they have. And all of the other .gov agencies. Maybe these guys are why.

    Now I feel a bit sick at my stomach. When it was just me saying
    When the MS13 guys "Find " the .gov weapons storage and pull a Miraculously Impossible to solve heist then the imported army will be Armed and upon us,I didn't feel quite so bad. Now that others are saying it,, it's uncomfortable.
    Has anyone Found the Sixty Thousand Pounds of fertilizer that disappeared from a rail car last week? No?
