Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Highest Point of Pissedtivity

 I was watching a you tube and I heard a sentence I've never heard before.

The guy said: Right now you got me pissed to the highest of pissedtivity. I'd say that's pretty pissed.

And I can agree with him on that.

These days I don't get pissed I immediately start looking for ways to get ahead of that motherfucker.

Currently I am fighting with alldata diy for a refund. Because I can no longer access their site. Thru no fault of mine OR my computer.

They said the reason is because I have something called a vpn on my system. I do not. 

I went so far as to delete my system and then reinstall it. But I still cannot access the site.

So I am getting to the point of highest pissedtivity. And it looks like my only option is to dispute the charge, which is only 3 weeks old.

But I gotta look up how to do that, cause I have never done that before.

Also, anybody know how to turn off predictive typing in blogger? Since I reset everything it is now doing predictive typing. I hate that to the point of high pisstivity.


  1. I've had good luck disputing a charge by just calling the credit card's 800 number. Tell them your story; they will place a hold on the charge and attempt to contact the vendor. If the vendor doesn't respond to the bank, most likely the bank will credit your account for the charge.
