Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Too True

 Or in my case at 10:37 AM. I have become very lazy. It also doesn't help I get up to go pee 4 or 5 times a night. And sometimes I stay up for 4 or 5 hours in the middle of the night.


  1. The next morning? Ha! My boss might text me on a Wednesday and I might not see it till the next week. Keep telling them to call the house phone. But NO!!! They keep texting me and then getting upset when I don't respond for days. I might turn my cell phone on once a week....if that.

  2. I forgot where it was I read this, but many ancient cultures broke their sleep schedule to several hours at a time, even at night. Perhaps they were afraid of enemy attacks and patrolled the premises during this time ? Anyway, the awake time was often used to write their thoughts.

    I myself am a very early riser and don't get a lot of sleep during the weekday. Going to bed around 11, I wake up at 3:15 and do some minor household chores (i.e. laundry - floor sweeping) before heading into work. Weekends, I often find myself napping in front of TV is bored with content.

  3. Try these...will guarantee a full night's sleep; and then some.

  4. I usually text back to those 2230 people "You DO REALIZE, of course, that I WAS SLEEPING!!!"

  5. Have always had broken sleep. Finally had doc give me ambien extended release (zolpidem), First night woke after 7 hours. Body keep telling me that that couldn't be right. Checked the time again. Yep, 7 full hours. Happens almost every night. Made a big difference in my day.
