Thursday, December 3, 2020

And Here It Starts

 'Immunity Cards' To Be Issued To All Americans; Enable CDC To Track COVID-19 Vaxx Status In Database


  1. How will they know which cards are valid and which are not? The 2020 election showed everyone how to cheat, so...

    1. I wonder if youtube will have a video showing how to make them.

  2. Until they issue "immunity cards" for AIDS, they can kiss my ass on me carrying a fucking WuFlu vaccination card. Fuck them. In no universe is this steaming dump truck full of horse shit Constitutional.

  3. Fuck em, schwack em. I'm not going to get vaccinated, or carry one of those fucking things. I will sell my house to my kids for a low price then go see asshoe newsom in sacramento and say hi.
