Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Solar Heater – Homemade

This video shows this guys version of a homemade solar heater for more or less free heat in the winter. It will not be sufficient to heat a whole house by itself, but it can help supplement. This will maybe heat a room or two if you work it right. Or if you put a bunch of them on your house I suppose that would work to heat a larger area.

Bear in mind these only work during the day when the sun is shining.

And I am thinking that if you added some black pipes to vent the air upwards while outside, you could use this to draw air thru your house to the outside in summer, providing a cooling effect. The black pipes would heat the air, hot air rises, drawing in air from the room and venting it to the outside. Open a couple of windows to let fresh air in, and you have a "whole house fan" using natural circulation.


  1. GET TO THE EFFIN POINT! Could not take it. 70% of his blathering was useless. I have many other sites to visit today. If presenters cannot get my attention in a short period of time, they lose me real quick. Besides, if his idea has merit someone else will come up with a Cliff Notes version.

  2. I've seen different variations on that. Some use round PVC, so e just pain the interior other box black. All will generate a lot of heat. The trick is getting that hot air into the house without compromising the homes air tightness and keeping vermin out.

    1. I have wondered about using black abs pipe and fitting that into the inside of a big window, with a small computer fan at one end to blow thru it. That way there are no holes in the house. It would be ugly as hell, but then again, so am I.
