Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Looks like the underground economy should start getting stronger

 'It Begins': NY Fed and Major Banks Make Concerning Announcement

Digital dollar. Screw that.

I don't think there is a constitutional provision to prohibit that, although it might be time now to make one.

Paper money not backed by something like gold or silver is bad enough, but a digital currency not backed by anything is worse.

With digital currency the fedgov or stategov or just plain ole fuckyouiamtheguv, can easily control you and your family. Maybe even who you vote for??

Money backed by something. Isn't that the way it should be?


  1. They push the digital currency., they will start taking paper money out of circulation as it hits the bank... pretty soon when they have enough paper fake currency out of circulation will declare paper money illegal or non usable and you are stuck with expensive toilet paper.

    1. Use it to light cigars with maybe.

    2. Already many of the shops and restaurants in the downtown area are card only.
      ... they will start with their base, and gradually force it on the population. Resist all you want, but this IS coming. Unless and until you are willing to SHOOT THESE PEOPLE IN THE FACE, they will subjugate you one grain of sand at a time. Do you truly not see it yet? You think they are going to stop? Pull back? No, it will only get worse, until you wake up and realize what has already been taken from you.

    3. I agree. It is absolutely time to start shooting them.

  2. My guess is that there will be an underground economy with its own currency. Heck it might even continue to use the dollar! If the Indians could use bits of seashells for currency, anything is possible! Uncle Sam couldn't control the moonshiners. He can't control the drug trade. He can't control our southern border. There's NO WAY he can control us if enough of us decide to cut him out of the picture!

    1. Each region or county or town could have its own currency. One currency might be trading hours of labor. Another might be firewood. The barter system lives again.

  3. A 100% digital economy is coming....GUANTEED. Because it gives the criminals in power 100% control over EVERYTHING.
