Monday, May 17, 2021

Enbridge defies Whitmer order calling for shutdown of Line 5 pipeline


  1. Zealots and lunatics have no interest in "middle-ground". Whitmer's postion is that "The shutdown of the Colonial pipeline kicked 50 million US citizens in the nuts. That means we have to shut down one more pipeline."

    Thanks for finding this and posting it.

    1. I am not sure what the heck is going on here. Is gov whitmer legitimately concerned about a pipeline rupture? Have studies on the pipeline been done to confirm problems? Or is this just shut it down because I say so? Strange.

  2. Glad Enbridge is giving her the middle finger, probably because they wouldn't give her any graft! The pipeline was put in 6 or 7 years ago and I am sure it has to pass stringent safety protocols especially because of where it passes through and has a good safety record. The gritch is just being a bitch. I am glad I don't live there, I am from Michigan.

    1. Yeah,its a strange thing. 6 or 7 years is all? Not even starting to corrode yet.
