Tuesday, June 28, 2022

I can attest to that.


Remember that asshole tom hanks in that movie with wilson the ball?
Where he stands dramatically and pounds his chest and says: I. Have Made Fire!

That's how I feel about my tomatoes. If I could only get radishes to grow I would make a video and do the happy dance.


  1. I can grow radishes by the thousands but for some reason they turn out nuclear hot . I'm talking Habanero quality . As in judgement from Gawd ! Must be my soil .

    1. I could live with that. All I can grow anymore is the leaves, and no roots. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

  2. Try turning the seeds upside down... and when you do grow at least one radish, you must dance nekkid and video it!

  3. I used to have no problem growing radishes back in Texas. Here in Missouri, I can't get them to grow worth a hoot in my backyard garden. Soil here doesn't have enough sand in it. Too much clay. All leaves and not much root, just like you.

    1. My soil here is clay also. I have amended with miracle gro soil and still have trouble growing them.

  4. I literally just came in the house from transplanting the tomatoes I sprouted from seeds.
    A week ago it was 55 degrees and raining.
    Just like it had been doing since freakin' April.
    It rained so hard it drowned my beans and pounded my onion sets out of the ground.
    In two days it went from 55 to 95.
    Two days of 90+ temps and then right friggin back to 65 and overcast.
    It's hard to grow vegetables in that shit.
    But I'm gonna try!

    1. I wish I had that problem. It has been years since we have had rain. I planted tomatoes and jalapeno and eggplant the first week of april. Been harvesting tomatoes for the last month. Got the 2nd eggplant today. At the moment my jalapeno tree has about 20 on it. Hard to keep enough water on the plants with the heat we have.
      Have you tried container gardening? Plant stuff in big plastic pots or maybe some of those clear plastic boxes and put them under a covered area if you have one. I have 3 jalapenos and one eggplant in cheap pots I got at the 99cent store. Filled them with miracle gro soil and away we go.

  5. Soil too acidic? Not moist? Or have you had downy mildew on them (or any other brassicas - never plant brassicas in the same area, I rotate so each area is brassica free for 3 years - and don't start me on how easy they cross pollinate).

    My (UK, Cumbria) problems are finding heirloom varieties that don't drown/float away or mind the fact that our "Summer" is the two hours on the last Wednesday of June ... every third year (we hear rumours about some big yellow ball thing in the sky, but we know it's just more of you colonials exaggerating, never having seen it).

    I really want to try grains (amaranth, spelt, etc.) but can't because it's so damp we get ergot in ... everything (without more spraying than I want and ... I'm apparently crazy enough already according to SWMBO, the neighbours, friends ... passers-by ,...).
