Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Biden Announces “Unpopular” New COVID Guidelines, Then Threatens Any Business That Wants a Federal Government Contract

 This is quite the pressure being put on private business to issue vaccine mandates as a condition of employment.

Do these people have any concept of what freedom means?

What good is a vaccine if you are forced to take it?

Can't people be responsible for their own actions for a change?


  1. Anyone didn't see this shit coming in an America where millions of 40 year old pajama boys are living in their parent's cellars?

    1. I think this is why so many of us are prepping and getting ready for war.

  2. Imagine a 'vaccine' to stop pregnancies from starting... but you can still start a pregnancy and you still have to wear a condom.
    Add to that the fact that the vaccine may hurt you.
    Add to that the fact that the people demanding you get the vaccine have been caught lying to you for years.
    Add to that the fact that the people demanding you get the vaccine are making billions off the vaccine.

    Why would anyone in their right mind get this vaccine?
