Friday, August 6, 2021

Transphobic Star Wars Store Aberdeen Business Owner part 2---This guy will unfortunately be going to jail and losing his business in 3,2.....

I found the link to this at Knuckledraggin.

Whole story is at Breitbart


  1. I couldn't find if the store was in Aberdeen, South Dakota. I agree with the store owner. I was a psych nurse for many years and got fed up with the weirdos and mentally deranged people out there that "think" they are of another gender. We use to institutionalize these people. I will not celebrate or condone their asinine confusion and behavior. Public shaming needs to make a strong comeback and I do my part.

    1. Public shaming absolutely should come back.

  2. whats he gonna go to jail for? being to fucking honest????

    1. In this bullshit political climate we have, i can see someone charging him with a hate crime. That isn't what should happen, he should get a medal, but thats the way things are these days.
      Think of the baker being sued for not baking a gay cake. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy didn't sue the store owner.

  3. The Wifely Unit has been in that place.
    Good on him!

    1. It's people like him that still give me hope we aren't all the way in the shitter yet.
