Tuesday, October 31, 2023
When even fbi director wray thinks we may have terrorist attacks here it is time to stock up your supplies.
‘Wake Up, It Is a Time to Be Concerned’: FBI Director Wray Issues Stark Warning at Committee Hearing
It's too late to stock up food supplies by buying an extra can or two each time you go grocery shopping.
It is now time to put your ass in high gear and go to the store and spend thousands of dollars on extra food supplies.
When even the director of the fbi starts worrying about terror attacks here in the good ole usofa, it's time to pay attention.
If you have 4 members in your family, don't worry about extra food going to waste, it will be eaten. Sooner than later most probably.
What's that brand saying? Just Do It.
The new speaker of the house is doing his job looks like
House Republicans Unveil Israel Aid -- Funded by IRS Cuts
By golly that works for me. Take money away from the irs, eat a ham sandwich while you're doing it.
The true nature of the world is savagery.
The title and the link are both excerpts from the article linked to. The idea of a school suspending both kids that get into a fight is stupid. That's what is called zero tolerance I think. Stupid idea.
This guys article is half about violence in israel and half about philosophizing. Personally, I think I agree with what this guy is trying to say.
The world is a savage place, it's always been a savage place, and it always will be a savage place. No amount of pacifism is ever going to change that.
Look at your childhood, and your adult life. Somewhere in there violence seems to be around somewhere.
I think this article kind of goes with the Kevin Sorbo thing where he and his wife say let masculinity come back into style.
Our country has been on a pendulum swing to insanity, but maybe it is slowing down and starting to go the other way. We can hope.
Monday, October 30, 2023
How many can you find?
Well, looks like my brain is in fine fettle, whatever that is. I found 7 people and 1 cat.
- Proper or sound condition.
- Mental or emotional state; spirits.
- Loose sand or ore used to line the hearth of a reverberatory furnace in preparation for pouring molten metal.
Well, isn't this just Special K all over?
Wide Open Border: 100 Syrians, 50 Iranians Cross US Border in October Alone!
If they were able to catch 150 terrorists that must be all of them.
Can somebody explain this to me? Cause I do not understand.
Here is a scenario: You are walking, doesn't matter where you are at, some asshole sneaks up behind you and smacks the livin fuck outa your head.
What do you do?
1. Turn around and hug the guy and shake his hand?
2. Turn around and say whachu do that for you big meanie?
3. Turn around and hit the sonofabitch with everything you can put behind your right fist? Then when he falls to the ground you kick him square in the nuts. Then you footstomp his throat. Then you call someone to come pick you up and take you to the nearest bar for a couple bourbons. After you put the pics on instygram or fakeorgasmbook.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
“Make being normal, normal again.”
Advice For Men From TV's 'Hercules': Bring Back Masculinity
Hercules Kevin Sorbo and his wife, whose name is Sam although she's a she, have made a movie.
They want men to be masculine again.
That sounds like a plan to me.
In other words, quit teachin your boy children to grow up to be soy boys.
The movie is just a regular ole movie I guess, but from what I read it emphasizes Normal, and not what we have these days. It doesn't make everything about being abnormal, like rainbow people and unicorn skittle farts.
Waylon and Willie had a song, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys.
That was back when boys were still growing up to be men.
Now that song should be, Don't let your babies grow up to be soy boys.
TV shows emphasize too much strange stuff these days, instead of showing kids how to be the regular type of normal. Nowadays normal is anything BUT normal. It's rainbow skittles and unicorn farts and don't dare let your boy child go outside and rough house with the other little boy childs. No no no no no. Nuh uh no how.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Friday, October 27, 2023
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Once again we supposedly have a mass shooting.
(Let's see if blogger censors this one.)
Well, cue the butthurt from the normal suspects in 3...2...1...
You probably think I am insensitive. You would be correct. I don't give a good goddamn. Guns aren't the problem, people are the problem.
Government has made me this way with their continued overreach of trying to control my freedom. Government is the problem.
They aren't concerned people died, all they are concerned with is control.
If they were concerned about people dying, they would pass a law prohibiting motor vehicles and airplanes. More people die and get maimed from traffic accidents than ever thought about dying from guns.
I don't like that people who may be innocent of whatever this doofus thought they did are dead. I don't like that at all.
But frankly, I have other things to worry about. This happened in maine. It is not a national emergency. If that guy had not had a gun he would have found some other way to do the nasty deed. Molotov cocktails and lock the door to get out. Propane tank with steel nuts and other flechette type stuff and a road flare. Etc.
If I ever want to kill a bunch of people, I will deliberately think of other ways to do it just to piss people off I didn't use an ar15, which I don't own one of by the way.
In any event fbi atf dhs xyz of whatever flavor agencies are probably gonna try again to impose draconian gun control rules on the populace. One place I saw said they thought the agencies would start going ballistic on us MAGA TERRORISTS.
Well, I have said it before and I will say it again: NO ONE has the authority to establish gun control. Not the federal government agencies not the states not biden using executive order. NO ONE.
The ONLY way gun control can be established is by CHANGING the US Constitution.
Why? Because the US Constitution is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. NO LAW CAN BE HIGHER.
End of story.
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Here is a bit of inside news on the republicans looking for a new speaker. Courtesy of Matt Gaetz
Hell yeah I'm gonna vote for kevin!
Wait, whaddaya mean i gotta vote out in the open? You mean so everybody knows who I voted for? Screw that!
Is This the Tipping Point? And my rant for the day.
Israel Delays Ground Invasion Because US Is Unprepared to Defend Itself
Israel is going to do a ground invasion of hamas, I think that may be inevitable.
The bidet administration I think is delaying Israel's invasion. On purpose, I don't think they want Israel to succeed.
My question, and I guess my fear, is that when Israel does go into gaza and start kickin ass and takin names and taking care of business, is that iran, and russia too, will defend gaza, and then we are going to be smack dab in the middle of a real honest to god shooting war.
And not a damn CONFLICT like we had in korea, vietnam, the gulf war.
A navy war. An air force war. An army ground war. A marine recon war.
And quite possibly a goddam nuclear war. We got a buncha goddam fanatical stupid sunzabitches runnin the world right now, and we are so close to nuclear armageddon it ain't funny no more.
And if the balloon goes up over there whatchu think is gonna happen here? Asshole biden has got anywhere from 7 million to 15 million fighting age males stationed thruout the former united states.
Is that gonna be the trigger that starts them raining fire and brimstone down on the mostly unsuspecting former united states?
Send 10 teams of 100 each, heavily armed, to 10 large airports. Let the killing begin, ala hamas style. Send 10 teams of 100 each, heavily armed, to 10 cities of population less than 5000. Let the killing begin, ala hamas style.
And 10 more teams and 10 more teams. Team biden has got enough foreign fighting age males in this country he doesn't NEED a dam election he can just take over the country.
Where they gonna get the arms and ammo from? All those federal agencies buying all those guns and ammo didn't really need them, did they?
BREAKING NEWS: Mike Johnson Wins Vote To Become The 56th Speaker Of The ...
308 vs 7.62 NATO: Huge Difference On Steel
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Holy Effin Crap! HOW much for this truck???
HEY! Does anybody need a goddamn expensive truck? Well, here it is!!!
My first house, with a big dam lot, was $27000.
I bought a second house, with a big dam lot, for my daughter and her 3 year old sons to live in, for $105,000.
Now you're telling me a GODDAMN TRUCK is $105,000???
Fuck that.
Tom Emmer pulls out.
Someone Pulled the Chair Out From Under Emmer
Looks like that democrat asshole tom emmer (republicunt-mn) has removed himself from the running for speaker.
Looks like a couple of conservatives are left. They will never get the votes either.
Looks like congress is gonna be led by a speaker protem for the rest of the session.
Oh boo hoo hoo.
Best thing that could happen isn't it? No more spending bills for this session? And fuck the continuing resolution.
My trip to Dollar General.
I drove over to lowe's this morning to get some stuff.
On the way home I stopped in at a dollar general store. I had a list of about 20 items or so. This dollar general is larger than the one by me, has lots more food stuff, and has more space in the aisles to walk thru.
I usually never go there, because it is quite far away and I don't want to make a special trip. But today I was coming back that way, so it was the two birds with one stone kind of thing.
When I got there, no shopping carts were in the storage racks outside. I went inside and guess what? No shopping carts were inside. They had about 4 of the handheld baskets, but no way I was gonna put everything I wanted in a basket, even if i used 4 of them.
Found a clerk and asked about the carts. She said they had no carts because they kept getting stolen.
This store is notorious for having no shopping carts. I told her to tell the manager she should get some carts. The clerk said "it's YOUR community" that is the reason there are no carts.
MY community? I don't live here and I'm not of the melanin enhanced color she was talking about.
So I drive on over to the dollar general by me. This store is convenient for me because it is less than a mile from my house. But it is a very small store, has limited fresh food items, limited grocery items of any sort, and they are ALWAYS stocking the store.
Stocking carts are ALWAYS in the way, today 3 or 4 aisles were completely blocked by stocking carts.
They had almost half of my list, so I got what I could. I also got the regional managers phone number and called her about the carts.
She told me the store manager over there told her that 20 carts were delivered to her store YESTERDAY.
Huh. Hell of a thief that steals 20 carts in one night.
Monday, October 23, 2023
Chinese pilot
Here is a math question. If you are in this plane with this beautiful woman, and you open a port and point your high caliber rifle at the chinese bastard pilot and pull the trigger, is the chinese bastard pilot going fast enough so that the bullet impacts behind the pilot on the glass? Or do you have to lead the pilot by about a half mile? Show your work.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Well holy shit this can't be good.
Czechoslovak Group Acquires Federal, CCI, Hevi-Shot, Remington Ammo & Speer
Now, this is a great campaign ad.
Biden can't put together an ad like this. Why? Because he hates america, and he specifically hates YOU.
New Trump 2024 ad just dropped pic.twitter.com/SQOYKcO0He
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) October 16, 2023
Saturday, October 21, 2023
FDA says these meds don't work
The only one of those medicines I remember having taken is the allegra.
Allegra did indeed relieve my symptoms at the time, and when they came back after the allegra wore off, I took another and the symptoms went away.
Don't know about the others, but I will vouch for allegra.
Now I have a question: What do they mean they "Voted against the effectiveness of" these medicines? These medicines either work for you or they don't. And How Many Years have all these medicines been on the market? And they just now "Vote against the effectiveness"?
Has the profit margin on these gone down so much they gotta get rid of them in favor of higher profit OTC meds???
Bore Sight Your Rifle At Home - FOR FREE
RINO Ken Buck Voted Against Jim Jordan: Now Facing Eviction From Main Colorado Office (Video)
I think the Grand Old Party is going thru some adjustments, trying to figure out who will control the party.
Over the last few decades the gop has quit fighting for the people and have become democrats in all but name. Their actions show who and what they are.
Along comes a few people who are trying to bring the gop back to the conservative side, a few get elected, then a few more get elected, and maybe the attitudes of republicans are starting to change a little bit.
The rino's don't like that, they want the status quo.
Is A Financial Crisis Already Here?
US Banks Are Closing 100s Of Branches And Laying Off 1000s Of Workers
Banks apparently are in trouble. The article posits this is the beginning of the end. Financial collapse looms. Ala the book Patriots, by I forget his name.
What do you think?
Once again, I do not know what to think. I have previously thought a financial collapse was going to happen that very week, then that very month, then that very year.
But it never did, but it looks like things have been gathering speed constantly in the downward direction.
Maybe the november 2024 elections will be the triggering factor.
Friday, October 20, 2023
Does this meme have me, and maybe you, pegged or what??
I still got hair thank goodness. I have had cataracts, now I have macular degeneration in my left eye. I leak all over front back and I drool all the time now.
Acid reflux? Fuhgedaboutit! Been taking prilosec and now generic omeprazole since 1992.
As for sleeping through the night? Damn I wish I could! Up every hour or so to go pee and then try to re-establish contact with the underside of my eyelids. For a long time now I get up at 2 or 3 and go back to bed anywhere from 4 to 6 or even 7 or 8 for an hour or so. Then a nap, hopefully, about 10 or 11.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Is this a left hand right hand thing?
Looks like my previous post about Jordan may not be correct.
So now who or what do I believe.
BREAKING: Jordan Bails on Third Ballot
BREAKING: Jordan Bails on Third Ballot
What do I think about this whole crappy mess? Frankly, I don't know what to think.
What do you think.
Congress is in turmoil, that's for certain. A good thing to come out of this is maybe they won't be passing any more stupid legislation. But. The Interim speaker apparently will have some sort of control just like a real speaker so maybe they will pass some stupid legislation.
Like the continuing resolution all the dems and all the rinos so desperately want, rather than passing an actual budget. When was the last time we had an actual budget as required by law?
Another thing to worry about. What happens if we get unlucky enough that both biden and harris get removed from office, ala impeachment process 101? With no speaker of the house who is next in line to assume the presidency?
The Secretary of State is the most senior position in the President's Cabinet and is fourth in line of succession if the President were to resign or die.
And guess who is secretary of state? Asshole Antony Blinken.
Do you really want THAT cocksucker to be prez??
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
What a buncha happy horseshit this is.
What a buncha happy horseshit this is. For the luvva pete.
People in this country are just too goddamn sensitive, especially democrats.
MEMES! Fuck sake they were just MEMES!
Any sumbitch that voted by text because of a MEME shouldn't be allowed to vote, or even breathe. They should be mercy killed, so they don't propagate their species, whatever that happens to be.
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
A Fiction Story for You to Read
Occasionally I recommend fictional stories for you to read. Sometimes because I think it is a very good story, or, as in this case, I think it might be appropriate to our times. It is also a good story.
This story may not be your cup of tea. But I think you will still find the story enjoyable.
This is politics in America today
This short video seems to me to show exactly what politics in this country is all about.
Monday, October 16, 2023
In FIT of Road Rage-Trucker SCREAMED ANGRY Phrase at Rocker…Made it a 70's Classic
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Friday, October 13, 2023
You Don't Know Shit About Dynamite
M855A1 vs M855 vs SS109 vs XM193: Crazy Results on Steel
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Gary Busey-Buttered Sausage
Here is this mornings FAFO, courtesy of Harvard
Freedom of speech. We all have it. Or we are supposed to have it.
But sometimes there will be consequences for that speech, as these groups at Harvard are finding out.
When somebody tells you what they are going to do, maybe we should listen.
Global jihad.
Damn, that sounds big.
You ready to defend your family yet?
I am of the same opinion this guy is. I know many of you think he is nuts, but on this I believe what he is saying.
I have said this same thing for years.
Things are starting to escalate whether we want them to or not. Better get ready. They are.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
How would you like to have a hamas style invasion in America with No Second Amendment?
Israel Shows Why Americans Have Right To "Weapons Of War" For Self-Defense
Israel is stupid. All of these attacks on them for all of these years and they restrict the rights of their citizens to own guns? And now they are "loosening" those restrictions. For some of their people but not all of their people.Scenes that stop the heart. Heavily armed Hamas terrorists are going door to door in Kibbutz Be'eri looking for Israelis.pic.twitter.com/PRq1n0vudH
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) October 7, 2023
A follower sent this alarming email to me
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) October 3, 2023
ATF is apparently warning firearms dealers about intelligence showing criminal networks plan to buy .50 cal and/or belt fed rifles in the next 2 months via straw purchasers
This is clearly due to our open border
Terrorism event soon? pic.twitter.com/6rGqFhreMI
You think we will have a terrorism event here soon in the good ole usofa??
I do. I think these people are drooling from their mouths as well as their peepee's in anticipation of the upcoming slaughter they want.
Remember those 7 to who knows how many millions of fighting age males coming across our southern border and then disappearing into our country because joe biden et al want them to be here even though they are illegal????
If you do not have a firearm yet, you better get one now. It isn't going to be too awful much longer before these democrat sunzabitches get their wish for fighting in this country.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
'So Baby Killing Is Okay?': Matthew Miller Clashes With Reporter Over Israeli retaliation
Israel Now Wants As Many Citizens Armed As Possible Reversing Their Stri...
I had this idea that I could rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it up on corn for a couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it. The first st...