Thursday, October 5, 2023

Are you the domestic violent extremist President Trumps supporters are made out to be?

 DHS Designates President Trump Supporters as Domestic Violent Extremists?

These idiot cocksuckers are not hiding a goddamn thing. And about 50% of the former united states are too goddamn dumb to see this, and understand what they support.

Jesus H. Christ it is as plain as the stick up their tremendous ass.

Democrats want you dead. The federal government seems to think they can make all Magatarians criminals just by a stroke of the pen.

This is Dictatorship 101. This is Marks, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, uncle fidel, etc., etc., all wrapped into one ideology, simmered for a few years, and then poured into the bowl for you to suck it down.

I had planned on a brief trip in dec. which I probably would have to fly to do, but now I wonder if I am on a do not let live list.


  1. nah, i think we have until the 2024 election steal. if/when successful they'll go full stalin on us. executive order gun control first, then round us up, or rather attempt it. that assuming putin doesn't turn out the lights first.

    1. If they do go full stalin, how many of us will stand up and stop them?

    2. i plan on going down swinging. i'm too old to march on dc, but when they come here, it's on. everybody dies eventually. why then should we fear it?


  2. Vern your thread is solid evidence of what I've believed for the last several years. America as we’ve known it is beyond repair. Too many middle-aged people are wrapped up in the self-satisfying bread & circuses of needing expensive vehicles, houses and watching professional sports. Too many young people have been brainwashed by commie college academics that they have rights, but no responsibilities.

    1. You are absolutely correct. I feel it is "beyond repair" myself.
