Thursday, December 14, 2023

Todays Memes

 I tried, operative word being tried, to install Microsoft Works Suite 2003 last night. Won't let me activate Microsoft Word unless I give them my name serial number address number of parrots I own etc. etc. And I have the Product Key. Which I typed in. What a bunch of BS. It did install Works though.


  1. You want Microsoft Word ya gotta pony up. That's about $80

  2. Libre Office. Free. Not Microsoft. Almost identical in function. Most commands are the same. Bill gates doesn't get a penny. No hassle installation.

    I've used it for over 10 years. Also use Linux Mint instead of Windows for 99% of what I do.

  3. Bill gates doesn't get a penny.
    At least that feels good. Probably not gonna put him in a cardboard box under a bridge,, but at least ya don't have to live knowing ya added to that ( Your long list of nasty descriptive terms go here) bottom line.
