Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year Joke

 Why don't Twitter users make good soldiers?

Because they're always too quick to retweet.

Joe walked over to Freds place one day to shoot the breeze. He heard music coming from the barn so he heads over that way. When he gets to the door he hears the music and he sees Fred over by his John Deere. Fred is voluptously twirling, slowly he slips the strap of his overalls down and twirls his shoulder seductively. Then he twirls again and shakes his booty. 
joe was staring in amazement. He couldn't take anymore so he yelled out to fred, what the hell are you doing?

Surprised, fred turns around and sees his friend. He turns off the radio and joe again says what the hell are you doing?

fred says, well you know me and the mrs. have been having trouble in the bedroom department, so we went to a counselor about it yesterday. 

And the counselor says that the way to resolve the problem was for me to do something sexy to attracter, so here i am.

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