Monday, July 1, 2024

Biden's Family Has Rendered Their Decision About Joe's 2024 Prospects

 The strongest voice for joe to stay in is convicted asshole hunter biden.

If this story is accurate, it looks like ole joe will continue the race.

I didn't expect anything else. I think the demos don't want joe there, but they don't really have time to develop anyone else, do they?

In any event, this is gonna be a hot summer, and that is going to up the pissed off scale of a bunch of people.

Which could lead to riots, etc. 

Keep your heads on a swivel out there folks.


  1. The DNC will have the last word on who their candidate is.
    'Course, the Clintons and Obamski run the DNC..

  2. Good sources say: Hunter's doing Jill.

    1. Oh good lord. That would put the icing on the cake wouldn't it?
