Monday, July 8, 2024

Things are looking up for election violence. News at 10.

 Bette Midler Urges Biden to Arrest House Republicans, Execute Rep. Jim Jordan

When these assholes talk, we should listen. I think Jim and the rest of the republicans should start carrying a method of self defense.

These assholes like to swirl the toilet bowl and make the water shitty. They know and understand that a president does not have total immunity for their actions. But they don't give a shit. As long as the people they are talking to listen, they will stir the shit.


  1. This babe and lots of other Hollywood progressives are emotionally like 4-year-old kids who would rather destroy their favorite toys than share them with other kids.

  2. Bette, you are the wind beneath my legs...

  3. After the recent ruki g from the SCOTUS it would seem the POTUS actually CAN do pretty much whatever he wants while in office. They already arrest and prosecute people who oppose them and threaten their hold on power. Small step from their to murdering them....openly. Instead of
