Monday, July 15, 2024

Secret Service Director: 'I Will Not Resign'

A Beaver County police officer warned a command center of seeing a man with a rangefinder before former president Donald Trump was shot on Saturday. The officer had also warned the man was scoping out the roof of the building he was stationed in as a counter-sniper, and that the man returned with a backpack before ultimately scaling the building.

 Did I read that correctly? 

3 snipers?

INSIDE the building?

AND they knew he was there 30 minutes beforehand?

Who got paid to let him be there? Good lord what a complete and total fustercluck this was.

Resign my ass. Prison is too good for this bimbo. How about a flight from a huey or a chinook?

And what about the butler county popo's. What accountability will they have? 


    Audio forensics suggest as many as three weapons fired at Trump rally

  2. nothing will change until defenestration comes back into fashion
