Friday, July 19, 2024

Oh for the luv of WTF???

 Team JD Vance Begin Announcing Policy Proposals, Starting with Elon Inspired Carbon Taxes

I didn't know what to think about vance, because I knew zero about the guy.

But if this proposal is who vance is, I don't like him.

I mean jesus h christ, this is a tutorial in how to lose your base in 3,2,1...

Do these people REALLY think about 4 or 5 million of us won't sit this one out if they REALLY intend to float this tax bullcrap?


  1. The whole things, politics I mean, is just a disgusting scam.
    Perhaps at the local level, your town school board maybe, but if they are "Career" politicians, they're scum. I don't care that this guy went to Iraq, I don't care that he wrote a book, he's a scumbag, I can guarantee it!
    He hated Trump 4 years ago, because that was politically expedient for him. Now he's on board? No, fuck you, you lying sack of shit. You're a politician. A Scumbag. A liar. A cheat.
    NONE of them want what's best for US. They take care of themselves. If they can make it look like they did something for us in the process to cover the truth, they're all for it. But it's just a ruse.

  2. I have not seen Vance advocate for carbon tax. Yes, he's good friends with Peter Thiel. Nothing in what you linked to had Vance's name. Also one of the poster had Don Jr. married to Kimberly G. who was married to Newsom. But in reality they are engaged not married.
