Thursday, July 18, 2024

Well Son of a Bitch.

Biden will announce his withdrawal from the race this Sunday, they think.

 I sure as hell hope not. This sunofabitch that will replace him is a cocksucker extraordinaire. Joe Biden ain't got nothin on this guy.

Gavin Newsom is a bigger liberal asshole than all of the liberal assholes in DC combined. This guy sucks dick and ass and then shits out joe and mika socialism/communism for days on end. 

If he gets in and has control of congress, it's gonna be civil war in 1,2,3 cause one of the first things he will try is executive order overreach to take away the scary guns. 

And who knows what will be next, he hates so much about the real america he is going to use the EO power to fuck us all.

1 comment:

  1. Well - maybe. But I think Newsome would be a great candidate to debate Trump who knows BS artists when he sees them. And will show absolutely no mercy calling it out. And does California have a lot to call out if you aren't a fan of expensive living expenses, ultra high taxes and restrictive laws that are tailor made to be called out. And Newsome would have to defend all of the practices all across America. No homefield advantage there - Trump has the edge (I think). Even with MSM media behind Newsome - there is a lot of baggage there.

    "Say Hi to Aunt Nancy - I've missed her the past 4 years "
